/ Friday, October 3, 2014 /
heroes de independencia, round 2

heroes is a little town nestled in the mountains of mexico, far away from any established city. on our first trip to heroes, about a year ago, we split our time between a drug rehab center (centro de rehabilitacion) and vacation bible school. things were a little different this time. we spent the majority of our time at VBS, and instead of driving over an hour each night to eat and sleep back in ensenada, we stayed at a house out in heroes. living conditions were much tougher, not to mention the sweltering 110 degree weather and lack of clean water and air conditioned rooms that i'm used to back in the irvine bubble, but it was definitely an experience.

The sunsets in heroes are straight of a painting. Fifty shades of sunset? 
the sky is so clear at night that the stars are actually visible. i was totally in awe because seeing stars in irvine is a pretty rare occurrence. 

it was a beautiful trip with the best people and i can't wait to go back again in two months. the kids there have so much heart and spirit; though they may be small, their hearts certainly aren't. seeing friends and siblings fiercely protect and watch out for each other (despite how little they have) was humbling, to say the least. it's honestly so incredibly amazing and inspiring how much they care for and protect each other and i aspire to have the heart these little humans have.

i may not ever be able to change the world, but i hope to empower. i am lucky to have grown up in a world of opportunity, and it's my hope that as many people as possible can experience, in one way or another at some point in their lives, the same opportunity i have. in the future, i hope to work with organizations on behalf of the underrepresented - children, minorities, women, etc. i'm far from reaching that goal, but this is a small step in the journey. :)


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